Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Lent is Coming...Again!

I've let you down with last year's repertoire of yummy Lenten recipes. I got a bit lazy and life started happening. It wasn't a real good year for me.

So, I hope to try to get going with this blog and share some more recipes that I found during the year. Some were hiding in my 'I'll get to it' files and some were internet researched for a purpose.

Anyhow, I'll get a collection started sooner or later. I'll also include some non-Lenten recipes in this collection.

By the way, I've been palpitation-free since October 2006! I guess that soy was a factor. I had a couple of close-calls because of eating FOOD ADDITIVES! Yuk! Staying away from pre-fabbed food items is a blessing in disguise for me. I eat a little soy and a little food additive-laden foods just so I don't become too allergic to them. The one thing I don't want is anaphylaxis. It feels good to feel good.

If any of you are at wit's end with mystery illnesses regular doctors can't find, please try to stay away from food additives and soy for at least a week to see if you feel better. A week is not a lifetime to check it out. Knuckle down and try it. Like I said before, I'm not a doctor. I'm not giving medical advice. I'm just trying to use some common sense to find a way out of becoming medicated for no reason.

Take care and happy eating!

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